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Pools and geysers
More of the West Thumb
1000 by 400

Abyss pool

Twin Geyser, and some of the Emerald Springs
Abyss Pool, and friends. The pool is partially surrounded by a boardwalk, which is generally filled with admirers. The ranger is giving a talk.
Big Cone sits out on Yellowstone lake.
A view up the side of a calcified hillside in the West Thumb Basin.
Fishing Cone.
A little bit closer view of fishing cone.
A board walk takes us along the heavily encrusted shore of the West Thumb Geyser Basin.
Living things do not interact well with geysers. These trees have been dead for ages. The heat, chemicals, and eventually the constriction of the crust makes it impossible for most things to live.
This is Lakeside Spring, not to be confused with the nearby Lake shore Geyser. The spring is overflowing a bit this year, and looks a bit different than it had in some previous years.
The mineral deposits do not end at the shore. There are underwater vents and geysers, as well as underwater mineral deposits.
Lake shore, and fishing  Hole Geysers
Some tourists stare down into Lakeside Geyser. Yellowstone Lake is at their backs.
The walkways around Seismograph Pool

Seismograph and the adjacent Blue Bell pools
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