Wall South Dakota
A view up the canopied "Front Porch" of Wall Drugs. 
Arriving a bit late, and deciding we did not wish to camp, we found a little motel off  on a side street. We needed rest, showers, and particularly 
Air Conditioning
Unloading the car before getting a bit of rest, and then setting back out for the wonders of Wall, and of Wall Drugs.
Main street, Wall.
The front face of Wall Drug, which owns practically the whole block.
Grabbing a quick meal in one of the many dining rooms that are a part of Wall Drugs.
An old time photo shop, between the casino, and the Black Hills gold shop makes this the complete tourist stop.
A variety of store fronts, makes for a colorful, if obvious, selection of  tourist traps. Still, these places are fun, full of cheerful vacationers, and not too expensive.
A store front casino for tourists. Gambling is legal in South Dakota, though minors need not apply. There are a number of Old West type saloons and gambling parlors.
A shot down the front facade of Wall Drugs

Numerous street scenes of main street Wall. These were mostly taken, pretty early in the morning.

The sign says it all (and then some) this is one of a number of Wild West museums.
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